We’ve all heard Todd Gloria’s empty promise to run a positive campaign.
Yeah, right.
Now he’s gone into full attack mode – challenging my character, reputation, and dedication to equity that I demonstrated over the course of my life -- unwilling to engage in honest policy discussions.
That’s a sign of both a desperate campaign and a shallow perspective on the issues.
All of us deserve better.
From the disastrous purchase of 101 Ash Street he can’t defend, to the special interests behind bills that will turn our neighborhoods over to wall street speculators – I’ve stood up to the big money that pulls the strings behind bad policy.
That’s why I’m raising more than twice as much from individuals as my opponent, while special interest PACs are spending millions of dollars to take me down.
They don’t want a Mayor who represents all of us. They want a Mayor who can put on a smile and put a fig leaf on the corruption.
Here’s how you can help:
With your help, together, we CAN put real solutions before empty promises!
Barbara Bry
Businesswoman. Leader. Empowerer.
2020 Mayoral Candidate | barbarabry.com
(619) 452-0522
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I’ve been visiting neighbors, business owners, and community leaders across San Diego!