Endorse Barbara Bry for Mayor

Please fill out the following form to show your support for Barbara Bry.

Community Endorsements

From all corners of San Diego, residents and community leaders are endorsing Barbara Bry for Mayor.

Dr. Rob Wilder

Business Leader, Environmental Activist & Academic

I've been involved in Sustainability for decades and was lucky to work closely on local issues with legendary Donna Frye in a prior Mayoral Administration (Donna advancing Open Government, myself in Sustainability and Climate Solutions). I've always trusted Donna's great judgment implicitly, so her strong Endorsement means everything. I concur that Barbara's firm and independent stand is needed for Real Solutions, Leadership, Local Community Control, and Sustainability in San Diego.

Join the Barbara Bunch

Hundreds of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents are helping Barbara because they know she will clean up the mess at City Hall.

Will you join us?

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